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Dr Hugo Ribeiro

Hugo Ribeiro has a BSc (2007) and MSc (2008) in Environmental Sciences obtained from the Sciences Faculty of the University of Porto (Portugal). During his MSc dissertation, he also had a scholarship in the international RACEWAYS project at CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Portugal).

He obtained his PhD degree in Biogeochemistry/Environmental Remediation (2013) from the Biomedical Sciences Institute Abel Salazar (ICBAS) - University of Porto (Portugal).

His studies focused on dissimilar thematics, scoping nitrification occurring in an aquaculture biofilter (MSc dissertation) to petroleum hydrocarbons (PHc) rhizodegradation, i.e., enhanced biodegradation by root and microorganisms interactions (PhD thesis). Since 2013, he has participated in several Portuguese and international projects at CIIMAR. These projects focused on the interactions between marine nitrogen and sulfur cycles; as well as the effects of metals and PHc on anammox and denitrification. And also, in studies focusing on the anammox process in wastewater treatment to improve nitrogen removal efficiency. He also has been involved in several Portuguese projects regarding assessing the environmental quality, vulnerability and risks for the natural resources of NW Portuguese coastal ecosystems.

In the scope of his participation in the Portuguese MarinEye and Coral project, Hugo is the inventor of an international patent for developing a prototype to capture microbiomes.

Hugo has 16 publications (11 as the first and 5 as co-author) in peer-reviewed international journals. He also has 1 conference paper; 3 book chapters, and 7 International peer-reviewed proceedings. At International conferences, he has 17 oral communications and 21 posters communications.

Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly (Greece), focusing on developing a pipeline to identify biological nitrification inhibitors (BNIs) to curb the microbial conversion of fertilizer nitrogen into greenhouse gases.

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